Case Study: Linda, Mother of Two
Every now again we like to share the real stories behind our product. As this 2018 year comes to a close, we’re grateful to be able to serve passionate, inspiring clients who make a difference in their industry. We are thankful that so many have chosen us as their hair care partner.
Linda, aged 45, mother of two, shares her story with groMD.
GroMD: Linda, we hope you’re enjoying the winter wonderland over in Florida.
Linda: (Laughs) Hardly! We’re in South Florida and it rarely ever gets below 50 degrees, even during the winter time. So we never deal with much cold weather.
GroMD: Can you tell us how you started with the groMD hair care product line and what effect it had on you?
Linda: About two years ago I finally started taking action on my receding hairline. My hair started receding during my late 30s, and I should have started to combat it immediately. It’s embarrassing to say, but I went to the dollar store and bought a cheap hair restoration shampoo. What a huge mistake! My hair continued to thin and clump together.
I bought the groMD shampoo and conditioner immediately after seeing it advertised on the web. In the past 18-24 months I noticed my hair growing on the top of my scalp and where my cowlick is.
I read that Argan oil and biotin can help with hair loss and thinning hair so in August 2017 I purchased groMD, which contains a dynamic mixture of those ingredients. I would say within one to two weeks I could see a positive difference in my hair. One, it looked much better compared to washing with the dollar store stuff. Two, it looked much fuller.
The shampoo also goes a very long way. The bottle is very well-sized and it only takes a nickel or dime size of shampoo to wash a full head of hair. The first bottle lasted me more than three months. And I wash my hair every day and sometimes twice per day when I work out.
At the same time I purchased this shampoo I also began using the groMD follicle activator spray once a day. Being able to rehydrate a dry scalp throughout the day is crucial for me. Then about a month after I started using the shampoo I also added an over-the-counter version of Rogaine, but I don’t do the recommended two times per day dose and sometimes miss days.
The combination of all three has now just about rid my balding spot where my cowlick is and given me thicker, fuller and better looking hair compared to before.
I tell all of my colleagues and friends to give groMD a try for a least a month before they try any other product. Usually they don’t need more than the groMD shampoo and follicle activator spray to notice significant hair regrowth.