GroMD is Designed to Treat Every Type of Hair Loss
It’s perfectly normal for hair to shed on a daily basis, but in cases not involving pattern baldness or genetic hair loss, this hair will be automatically replaced with new hair from the scalp. When hair shedding is excessive however, hair loss becomes noticeable as the thicker hairs that shed are replaced with thinner and shorter hair. There may be many different potential causes of hair loss - these causes can be hereditary, they can be caused by hormonal changes and medical conditions, or they can even be caused by certain medications.
Most hair loss however, is hereditary. Hereditary hair loss is usually called pattern baldness, and can affect both men and women. This type of hair loss leads to thinning across the top part of the scalp and hairline. In male-pattern baldness, the hair follicles on the back and sides of the head are almost always unaffected. Hormonal changes and medical conditions can also lead to hair loss. These can vary from scalp infections and skin disorders to alopecia areata, which is when the hair follicles are attacked by the body’s immune system; thyroid gland problems can also lead to hair loss causing hormonal imbalances.
For every type of hair loss, we’ve engineered the groMD hair restoration system to be an effective option. This means hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances, medication and stress are all able to be countered and corrected by our DHT-blocking formula. GroMD’s bioactive nutrients target the roots and moisturize hair from root to tip, promoting thicker, fuller hair growth while strengthening and softening hair.
The problem with many shampoos and topical applications is that even if you rub them into your scalp, they are still not getting absorbed properly. With groMD’s hair restoration system, each chemical is directly absorbed by the hair follicle for maximum performance.