Practicing Good Scalp Hygiene
It is often the case with hair loss and hair thinning that hormonal or genetic factors are the culprit; but there are many other cases where bad scalp hygiene and poor hair care are the cause. Traction alopecia, for example, is a form of hair loss caused by repeated pulling and force applied to hair – in the form of hair braiding, tight ponytails, or pigtails. A poor hair care routine involving product buildup and excessive bacteria could result in redness, soreness, irritation, tenderness of the scalp, and even bumps and blisters.
Over time, poor management of one’s hair and scalp can result in broken hairs, hairline recession and bald patches. Monitoring and stopping the progression of hair deterioration is something we are adamant about. So, what are the key things to remember when practicing good scalp hygiene?
First, analyze and assess the hair products you are currently using and make the necessary switches. Many people use shampoos containing harsh detergent-like chemicals designed to thoroughly clean and scrub oils and other products off of the hair follicle. While these chemicals are effective at cleaning, they can be disastrous for scalp hygiene. The two most common chemicals are sulfates and parabens.
Sulfates refers to ingredients normally found in shampoos, soaps and most foaming products. On the label, you’re looking for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS or ALS for short). Shampoos containing sulfates will often dry the skin and cause tightness and irritation in the scalp.
In lieu of any sulfates and parabens, GroMD uses natural ingredients like tea tree oil, caffeine, biotin, and argan oil to cleanse the scalp in a refreshing and organic way – creating breathable space for your hair follicles.
GroMD shampoo also helps fight specific strains of fungus which are known to cause skin infections and dandruff build up. Our DHT-blocking shampoo and conditioner also contains a wealth of natural, potent and effective ingredients which resets the scalp environment back to its natural state.
Second, lighten the load on your hair care routine. We already mentioned the phenomenon of traction alopecia. Protective styling, extensions and Brazilian blow outs are great for a night out, but they can be traumatic if done consistently without pause or break. You need to give your hair a rest and put it through a recovery and restoration program.
Lastly, begin recovery and restoration of your weakened hair follicles. No doubt everyone could use a few months of scalp restoration and rebuilding. But taking the time to not tighten, braid, style or heat your hair is extremely difficult, and nearly impossible for some. Whether its wearing your hair to work, social events or day care, most people cannot take a hair break for more than a day or two. GroMD’s follicle activator spray relaxes built-up friction and tension, and is designed to stimulate growth and strengthen the hair shaft. The spray is engineered to restore and rejuvenate weakened hair follicles with just one or two quick sprays on washed or dry hair.